Why your boss should support you in finding a coworking space

Discover why Alba Blanco, HR manager of an NGO with 800 employees called Siel Bleu, is clearly in favour of the rise coworking spaces such as Working WITH…but not at any cost! Coworking spaces should help HR to overcome future challenges.

After the pandemic, individuals had to make changes in terms of their working space. Many people continued working at home while others went back to work. Working from home has changed a lot of people’s lifestyles and daily routines. A study by McKinsey & Company has shown that “41 % of employees in the US are working remotely and are more productive and gained more experience in remote working than you would working from the office”. 

Coworking spaces like Working WITH offices are the perfect solution for employees and employers. Shared coworking spaces are a new and increasingly popular office concept that shares costs and offers a place to work while still providing social interaction.

Alba Blanco states “Around 60-70% of our colleagues are working from home”. People are more driven and focused when they work from home or in a coworking space.

What are the benefits of a coworking space?

A coworking space shares the costs between all members. The shared costs in a coworking space financially benefit their customers. Coworking offices offer shared printers, desks, and more equipment. Everyone shares the equipment that is provided at the coworking space. Alba Blanco states, “The different types of coworking models, ranging from the rental or fixed spaces to offices per day, make it possible to adapt to changing needs”. Due to all the added features coworking spaces offer, it creates a more affordable office space.

The opportunities afforded by coworking spaces also create the possibility of recruiting a more diverse range of employees because working remotely is more suitable for them.

Blanco states, “It gives you a place where you can enjoy social contact. The employees can socialize with their colleagues or with other people. We reduce the feeling of isolation which can quickly become a source of frustration and estrangement”.

People may be more encouraged to apply for jobs in different areas around the world with the option to work from a coworking space. Jobs they might have found impossible to apply for due to the location are now possible. The productivity of employees is rising through a knowledge-sharing atmosphere. Guillaume Lefebvre from Coworking Working WITH states, “It is as if I have several consultants from many diverse areas next to me that can help solve specific issues.

The more people are connected, the more inspiration and innovation there is”. People can see from many different perspectives. Alba also states, “Sharing makes it possible to stimulate creativity, learn new things, think differently, see beyond one’s own business”. Coworking spaces open people’s minds and expose them to different things.

Humans need human interaction.

Without interaction with others, people’s mental health is at risk of degenerating. Achieving a work environment that fits into people’s life creates more happiness in the long run than having an unhappy environment in a company, which causes people to fluctuate more. Separating the work and private life environment from each other ensures a better work-life balance. With Working WITH, employees get a morning exercise session and a friendly atmosphere to interact with others. Working WITH offers some specific events, such as sea swimming, breakfast, and after-work drinks. Furthermore, achieving a mental health-friendly environment should be the MAIN goal of any company. The healthier employees are, the more productive they are as people.

Companies need to have innovative office concepts to keep up with the competition. Without new office concepts, companies will run out of business. Coworking spaces are valuable for people’s overall well-being and should be offered by all companies.

Are you up for trying out a new style of workplace? We’re hoping to see you at Working With!

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